Communist Mutants from Space

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Communist Mutants from Space

Communist mutants from Space
Cover art
Programmer(s)Stephen H. Landrum
Platform(s)Atari 2600
Genre(s)Fixed shooter

Communist Mutants from Space is a fixed shooter video game programmed by Stephen H. Landrum for the Atari 2600 with the Starpath Supercharger cassette accessory. It was published in 1982 by Starpath (formerly Arcadia).[2] The game is a variant of Galaxian.[3]

Story[ edit ]

Aliens from the communist planet of Rooskee are invading peaceful, democratic planets and turning their inhabitants into "Communist Mutants." The communist mutant armies are controlled by the Mother Creature, a strange alien who has gone mad due to irradiated vodka.

Gameplay[ edit ]

The player must destroy the Mother Creature without being destroyed by the mutants and their bombs.

The player starts off with three reserve cannons. The object is to destroy the mutants aliens and, most importantly, the Mother Creature. The mutants hatch from moving eggs at the top of the screen. Because the Mother Creature replenishes eggs when they hatch or are destroyed, it must be defeated before the player can advance to the next wave. If a mutant or a bomb thrown by a mutant comes into contact with the cannon, the cannon will be destroyed and a reserve must be called up. A new cannon is awarded on every other wave.

Game menu[ edit ]

The menu allows a variety of gameplay changes; for example, the player may toggle the shield option on or off. If activated, "shield" mode allowed a player to press down on the joystick to become invincible for a short period (only one shield was allotted per level). Another feature was the "time warp," which allowed the player to press up on the joystick to temporarily slow down the passage of time for his opponents (i.e., they move slower than usual). Additionally, the type of shot fired could be changed by activating the "penetrating fire" option (which enhanced the beam fired so that it could withstand hitting two mutants rather than a single one) and/or the "guided fire" option (which caused the beam to be moved with the joystick rather than firing in a straight line).

The menu also allowed for multiple players (up to four) to be entered into the game. Players one and three shared the first joystick while players two and four shared the second.

Easter egg[ edit ]

Holding fire during power-on of the Atari 2600 causes the "HI" on the high scores screen to change to "SHL", the initials of programmer Stephen H. Landrum. [4]

References[ edit ]

  1. ˄ Hague, James. "The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers"
  2. ˄ I break for Arcadians:Entertainment abounds in a gaggle of games, Page 26, InfoWorld, 27 Jun 1983,
  3. ˄ Brundage, Darryl (June 23, 2005). "Communist Mutants from Space".
    The Atari Times
  4. ˄ Federico, Chris. "The Complete 2600 Easter Egg Archive". Orphaned Computers & Game Systems. Retrieved 2007-12-28.[dead link]

External links[ edit ]

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