This page attempts to feature-detect whether storage events are available, between same-origin frames. Below are two simple steps for testing:

  1. Create two dynamic iframe.
  2. For a period of time, the listener listens for a subsequent storage event
  3. Have one iframe write to localStorage.

If an event occurs (in the listening iframe), then we can assume an events approach should work.

If an event does not occur, we then attempt to confirm that the value was written. If it is confirmed by simply reading localStorage, then a read approach should work.

If the value could not be read directly, then we attempt to "kick" (or, manually sync) localStorage. If the value is then present, a kick approach should work.

If all else fails, then a flag would inform that no native or shimmed events are available.

The result should match those from this observing window table (which were compiled manually, between two separate windows).

This page, the "top" window, will also report any storage events.

This test is run automatically. It looks like the listening iframe supports the ... appproach.
