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Citations & Plagiarism Workshop


Discover how to properly use citations in your assignments. Plagiarism is an important concept to understand- it can result in bad grades or disciplinary action. However, citations are also an important part of scholarship- a tradition of recognizing the work of others and collaborating on the development of your discipline. We will also look at how to create citations and references and will explore invaluable resources to help ensure you get it right. It is recommended that you complete the citation tutorial before attending this workshop: http://www2.humboldt.edu/libraryquiz/make-citations

Learning Outcome(s)

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:



You will be working in small groups and there will be discussions with all attendees.



Complete the pre-workshop survey: (poll everywhere)

  1. True or False- The same basic bibliographic information is needed for a citation of a source in the MLA (Modern Language Association ), APA (American Psychological Society), and CSE (Council of Science Editors) style formats. https://pollev.com/timmiller109
  2. True or False- When citing a source you retrieve online, all you need is a URL or DOI.
  3. True or False- If you write about an author’s idea without quoting them, you do not need to cite the source.
  4. Choose all that apply- A URL or DOI is only required for the following formats:
    1. APA, American Psychological Society
    2. MLA, Modern Language Association
    3. CSE, Council of Science Editors
    4. CMS, Chicago Manual of Style
  5. True or False- The primary purpose of citing your sources is to prove that you are not plagiarizing.

Welcome & introductions: what assignments do you have? what citation style do you use? what are you hoping to learn today?

Poll results: View and discuss survey questions.

Presentation: Why citations? [Discuss how citations contribute to research and knowledge and how students are a part of this.]

Presentation: What is plagiarism? [Cover HSU academic honesty policy and basics of plagiarism. Demonstrate examples of correctly cited quotation and paraphrasing (APA).]

Group Quiz: Plagiarism or not? Identify if the following examples are cited properly. [Look at examples of citations and paraphrasing and discuss as a group whether or not they are correct ways to use another author’s work.]

Partner paraphrase: Work with a partner to paraphrase the following passage, keeping in mind your purpose for using the quote and how that will affect what you include or exclude.

Share: Post your paraphrase on Padlet

Discuss: Compare paraphrases and discuss why they are or aren’t correct ways to use another author’s idea.

Presentation: Anatomy of a citation

Poll results: View and discuss - go over correct answers


Surveys and feedback form

Prep-work for students

It is recommended that you complete the citation tutorial before attending this workshop: http://www2.humboldt.edu/libraryquiz/make-citations

Time Commitment

50 mins.

Anticipated challenges/potential solutions

Log-in time for Padlet and Poll Everywhere. Neither requires an account, but students will need to navigate to the sites (Poll Everywhere text feature requires an extra step). I will post links to the library website and create TinyURLs. I will also bring paper versions of the surveys and feedback forms. For a low-tech Padlet substitute, we can use the whiteboard. Slides.com can be saved to a USB for a backup, but paper copies of the ‘quiz’ and paraphrase exercises can be used if the projector is down.

Time: this might be more content than 50 mins will allow. This workshop has usually been under time in the past, but with both the pre- and post-surveys, it may go over time. If necessary, the second poll can be avoided and the results of the pre-test can be discussed instead. Students can fill out paper copies of the feedback during this final discussion.

Technologies used

