Patricia Sealey

in the Act

Chapter One

This is a story about two girls called Mpho and Neo. Neo was Mpho's best friend.
They were both ten years old and they were in the same class at school.They even lived close together in the same village.

      of Neo and Mpho
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Chapter Two
Neo lived with her mother and father and his two sisters.
Mpho didn't see her mother and father more often, because they worked in the city.
Mpho lived with her anunt and uncle. Her mother and father came to see her every month.
Neo playing 
     with her sisters
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Chapter Three
When Mpho's mother and father came to see her,they always gave her presents.
They brought her anything she asked for.
Her mother and father loved her but they made Mpho very greedy. picture of a Mpho 
  with her parents
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Chapter Four
One day Neo and Mpho were walking home from a school.Suddenly Mpho stopped. She took some money from pocket.
'I want to buy some chocolate,' she said 'Come on.'
Mpho took Neo's arm and pulled her across the road;
Mpho and Neo 
     holding hands
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Chapter Five
supermarket wher Mpho stole the chocolate
'I can't buy chocolate,' said Neo sadly.
'i don't have any money.'

'That's all right' said Mpho.'I'll get you some chocolate.'

'How?' enoough money for two bars of chocolate.'

Mpho laughed.'Come on.I'll show you how to get the bars of chocolate with this money,'she said. 'It's easy.'

She pulled Neo's arm again.Neo slowly followed her down the road to the little supermarket in the village.
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Chapter Six
Neo and Mpho stopped outside the shop.
'Please,'said Neo again,
'how are you going to buy two bars of chocolate? Since you don't have enough money.'

Mpho`had a strange smile.

'Come into the shop,' she said, 'and I'll show you.'

Mpho entered the shop and said Watch what I do, she said.'

Don't say anything and stop looking worried.The shopkeeper likes us. She said in a high squeaky voice.

Mpho was very excited.Neo was frightened.
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Chapter Seven
'Mpho,please don't do anything bad,'
Neo pleaded with her friend.
'I don't want a bar of chocolate.'

'Don't be silly.' said Mpho angrily.

'They have lots of bars of chocolate and I want you to have one.
So you're going to have one.'

Neo followed `Mpho into the shop.

She wanted to run away, but Mpho was angry.When she was angry, she often hit Neo hard.
Maybe Mpho was joking.

Mr Maswabi, the shopkeeper, was their friend. Sometimes he gave Neo a sweet or an apple.

They were the only customers in the shop.The shopkeeper smiled at them.

'Hello,girls,' he said. 'Did you enjoy school today?

Neo began to feel better.Maybe Mpho would change her mind.
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Chapter Eight
'We were learning a new song for the school concert,' said Neo nervously.

'Don't forget I want a ticket for the concert,' said Mr Maswabi.'Now, what would you like?'
'The chocolate in the red paper, please,' said Mpho.

She pointed to some bars of chocolate.They were on a shelf behind the shopkeeper.

Mr Maswabi turned to get the bars of chocolate. 'Now watch!'whispered Mpho.'He can't see what I'm doing.

Mpho put out her left hand.She took a bar of chocolate from the counter in front of her.

Neo put her hand over her mouth.Her friend was a theif!

But Mr Maswabi didn't see anthing.

Mpho put the chocolate into her pocket and smiled at Neo.The shopkeeper turned back with a abr of chocolate in his hand.

'Here you are.One of chocolate,'he said and gave it to Mpho.
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Chapter Nine
Mpho gave Mr Maswabi her money.

Neo could only look at the ground.She was ashamed.Her best friend was a thief.

Mpho was bad sometimes because her mother father gave her too much.But a thief!

'Thank you, Mpho,'said Mr Maswabi,'Good luck with your concert.'He waved to them when they were at the door.

Suddenly they heard a strange voice.

'Don't open the door,please,' the voice said. 'You forgot to pay for something.'Neo and Mpho looked round.

A young man was standing behind some bags of mealie meal.He was counting the bags. They hadn't seen him, but he had seen them.

"Uncle,this girls has more chocolate in her pocket,' he said.'She took it when you were getting the other bar.'

'What?' said Mr Maswabi.

'I'll show you,'the young man said.

.Her put his hand Mpho's pocket and took out the chocolate.
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Chapter Ten
'Oh dear,'said the shopkeeper,unhappily.

'I'll call a policeman,'said his nephew. Mpho looked frightened..'It was only one little bar,' she said.,

'You have lots of bars.' Mpho was angry too.No one ever told her she was wrong. Mr Maswabi was very angry.

'I must pay for all the chocolate before I sell it,'he said.'If you steal some, I have to pay for it.'

'Ill find a policeman,' said his nephew.He was tired of lifting mealie bags. This was more more exciting.
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Chapter Eleven
'I-I-I'm sorry,' said Mpho, in a frightened voice. 'I didn't know you had to pay for the chocolate, sir.'

She started to cry.She had been very bad. 'What are you goimg to do,Uncle?'asked the young man. 'Shall I bring a policeman?'

'Please don't' cried Mpho.'I promise I'll never do this again.And please, Neo didn't know about this.'

Neo put her arm round her friend.She wanted to help her.
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Chapter Twelve
'But you've been a bad girl. I have to punish you,'said Mr Maswabi.And he began to think.

Mpho had been very naughty. He wanted to be sure she would never steal again.

I'know,'he said after few minutes.'My wife is staying with her sister for three weeks.

I need someone to clean the floor and the counter every day.'
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Chapter Thirteen
'Oh yes,'said Mpho.I'll come every day.You'll have cleanest shop in the village.'

'What about the police?' asked the young man.'No. Mpho is never going to steal again.Are you,Mpho?'

'Oh no,Mr Maswabi,' said Mpho very quietly.'I promise I'll never steal anything again.'

Mpho kept her promise. She came to the shop every day. Mr Maswabi was very pleased.

Mpho had got a very big fright.He knew she would never steal again.
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