iPhone numbers with punctuation input For iPhone: A psuedo-input that shows the NumbersAndPunctuation keyboard on focus *and* allows punctuation characters to be typed into.
Caveat: you can't select text or move the caret.
This is a POC for time entry e.g. you can type in 10:12PM into this (note that the only allowed characters are 0123456789+-.:APM).

type=text inputmode=decimal

type=text inputmode=numeric
type=number step=any
type=number min=0
type=password inputmode=numeric

Note that type=number *appears* to work on an iPhone, but it actually doesn't work. If you type in 12:30 then the input.value is "" (empty string). For iPad <input type=text pattern=[0-9]*> worked fine until iOS12.2.
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