InstanceEntry ConditionsSummaryRules OverviewConnects WithHomepage LangHosted In Closed at present, registration normally is a Mastodon instance where people can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict. is a small social network where folks are expected to be respectful of boundaries. While Mastodon gives us a great many tools for helping people carve out safe spaces, it is more open than what more folks want out of an instance- federation is a concept that is difficult to explain, and some people simply want to just use and speak with people on, and nowhere else. Extensive rules and active moderation. Final interpretation is up to the administration. Reports 120 unspecified instances. Purportedly federates solely with however, so you can only communicate with users of and English France Closed at present, registration normally None specified Unavailable Unknown English Netherlands Registration (non-Outlook email) It is a social media experiment where the main aim is to share and discuss dank memes and awful jokes. We aim to bring together the meme communities of Twitter and beyond to form one website filled with the latest trends and jokes. Do not post any revealing or harrassing content towards other memelords. Do not post anything that is illegal in your country of residence or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Please make sure you are not constantly reposting the same meme. 37 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France Closed at present, registration normally None specified. There are no restrictions of content on this instance, however, to keep it pleasant to everyone here are a few rules, which will be completed over time. Racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. messages are prohibed (sic). Parodic accounts are accepted but must mention they are parodic in their description. 138 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France Registration None specified None specified 41 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France Closed at present, registration normally None specified. Largest instance (~41k users at time of writing) Extensive rules. Final interpretation is up to the administration. 366 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France Registration None specified NSFW/any legal porn is allowed, but tag it as NSFW or make it unlisted or something. Trolls are only allowed if they're quiet; you can shitpost but not harass someone, and my threshold is pretty low. I'm not Twitter, I'll fuck up nazis and bullies for fun, and get an AI to do it if I get bored. I'm your nice cyberpunk queen but I intend to keep this place decent and safe for everyone. 84 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France Registration is one among the several mastodon instances in the fediverse. It aims to be an alternative choice, and it'll federate with other instances. Fire and Blood! No explicit rules. I cannot be hold responsible for what you're posting, and of course the content can be moderated. Be respectful, be human 88 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English Germany Registration We here at are proud to be one of the first instances of Mastodon! Quick updates ensured. Mastodon is compatible and connected to the GNUsocial network. Unspecified 213 unspecified instances. Connected to GNUsocial network. English Germany Registration Mostly French instance. Le respect de la loi et des autres utilisateurs sont obligatoires. Les propos racistes, sexistes, homophobes, etc. sont strictement interdits. Les comptes parodiques sont tolérés à condition de signaler qu'ils le sont dans leur description. Tous les contenus sont tolérés dans la limite de la légalité, utilisez le content warning pour les contenus inadaptés au public mineur ou nsfw. / Complicance with the law and respect of other users are mandatory. Racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. messages are strictly prohibited. Parody account are allowed as long as their parodic status is clearly indicated in their description. Any type of content is allowed within the limits of the law, use content warning for nsfw or unsuitable for children contents. 54 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. Mixed English/Francais France Registration Witches Town is made to provide a nice place on Mastodon for queer, feminists, anarchists and stuff. We are mostly french people but you are welcome even if you speak another language. Please take note that if you don't like SJWs, feminazies, antifa or whatever, it might save you some time to go somewhere else. Do not engage in harassment of any kind. Racial, sexist and other oppressive slurs will get you suspended, even in non-public conversations. You can post porn and nudity, but you must use the nsfw flag and do not post on the public timeline or you will be silenced (ask around how to make unlisted posts). Be nice to each other. 86 unspecified instances. No criteria provided. English France